Sunday, November 11, 2007

Howard says it better than I can

"...well our brain is one big squabble. It's like a parliament in which people are always shouting each other down. It has many pieces which battle each other, and over the course of time, culture has radically rewired the human brain. Now, culture is something that's in our hands. And culture is also a matter of taking certain brain parts and favoring them over others. WE HAVE TO WIRE OUR BRAINS THROUGH CULTURE TO FOCUS ON THE CREATIVE ELEMENTS. To focus on the elements, again, that involve commitment and closeness with other human beings, and to rule the elements out that are back in the amygdala, that are down in the limbic system, that are down in the reptilian sources of the brain, and the neomammalian senses of the brain, that come from a really antique heritage, as animals. They are the animals in our brain. Well, Plato knew what you and I both should know as well, there are animals in the brain. We have to learn to tame them. It's our job. That's absolutely our job if we want to be moral beings."

"...when you find the gods inside yourself, you find the God of War. You'll find the God of Bloodlust, you'll find the God of Genocide, and he will be one of the most powerful passions in you, and you have to KNIFE HIM OUT OF EXISTENCE. You have to freeze him in his own private hell, and make your positive gods the gods that take you over. And by the 'gods that take you over,' I mean you have to find those passions that are so much more powerful than you, than anything you've been allowed to express in your life, and making those things the things you work on...Pass Go. Forget the $200. Go directly to Park Place and put your life there on the line with all the emotion and power and passion and insight in you, AND FUCK THE GOD OF WAR."